michaelhallquist / MplusAutomation

The MplusAutomation package leverages the flexibility of the R language to automate latent variable model estimation and interpretation using Mplus, a powerful latent variable modeling program developed by Muthen and Muthen (www.statmodel.com). Specifically, MplusAutomation provides routines for creating related groups of models, running batches of models, and extracting and tabulating model parameters and fit statistics.
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mpluAutomation cannot read in data correctly #164

Open chunhuacao35 opened 2 years ago

chunhuacao35 commented 2 years ago

When I use mplusAutomation to analyze a CFA model, I noticed that it did not read in the data correctly because it has about half of the observations of the data specified. Does anyone run into such a issue before? Thank you!

michaelhallquist commented 2 years ago

I haven't seen anything like this. Could you upload your data file and .out file here?

chunhuacao35 commented 2 years ago

Hi Michael, Thank you for your response. I a attached the data as well as the cfa output. There are 500 observations in the data, but it shows only 250 in the CFA output. Thank you very much for helping me figure out this issue.

rep11.txt cfa11.txt