michaelherger / Spotty-Plugin

A Spotify plugin for the Lyrion Music Server (fka. Logitech Media Server) and Squeezebox compatible players
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picoreplayer-slimserver-lms spotty 4.8.8 playing spotify playlist from lms favorites doesn't work anymore. #84

Closed ajuga2 closed 1 year ago

ajuga2 commented 1 year ago

When trying to play a playlist from lms favorites (spotify:playlist:.... in favorites.opml) it returns an empty playlist. Playing a single track from lms favorites (spotify://track:.... in favorites.opml) works. When trying to play the same playlist via de spotty app (via my apps) works however. Deleting /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/slimserver/Cache, did not make any difference. It just installed version 4.8.8 again

After 'rolling back' to version 4.8.2 (for no specific reason I choose this one) it worked again.

michaelherger commented 1 year ago

What LMS version are you using? I recently added a patch to 8.4 to improve the use case you describe. And I can play a favourite with a content of spotify:album:4IUeKh2mYOX2njthGA8STM. It played correctly when selected from Squeezeplay, Default and Material skins.

ajuga2 commented 1 year ago

Logitech Media Server Versie: 8.1.1 - 1610364019 @ Thu Jan 14 06:27:45 CET 2021

I don't know about LMS favorite spotify:album:... because I don't use it. I ran into the problem because of LMS favorite spotify:playlist:...

michaelherger commented 1 year ago

Your LMS is more than two years old... Don't you have any way to upgrade it? As far as I know the issue you're seeing is not there in recent LMS.

ajuga2 commented 1 year ago

I guess you mean https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver?

in pCP rpi-ipaddress/cgi-bin/lms.cgi update LMS gives there is no update. Don't know which url it uses via rpi-ipaddress:9000 settings it gives https://downloads.slimdevices.com/LogitechMediaServer_v8.3.1/logitechmediaserver-8.3.1-noCPAN.tgz

how can I download and neatly install the version in https://github.com/Logitech/slimserver? eg ssh

ajuga2 commented 1 year ago

I followed https://docs.picoreplayer.org/how-to/upgrade_lms/ to upgrade to nightly bugfix for latest stable release (Logitech Media Server Versie: 8.3.2 - 1677516824 @ Mon 27 Feb 2023 06:30:31 PM CET) then updated spotty to 4.8.8 again. This issue is now resolved.

ajuga2 commented 1 year ago

After making sure what the development version was, I again upgraded to it following the same guide (Logitech Media Server Versie: 8.4.0 - 1678519305 @ Sat 11 Mar 2023 09:00:12 AM CET).