michaelherger / Spotty-Plugin

A Spotify plugin for the Lyrion Music Server (fka. Logitech Media Server) and Squeezebox compatible players
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Spotify connect: Spotify client skips tracks/gets multiple tracks ahead, but pre-buffering setting is on #93

Closed Oinkweil closed 7 months ago

Oinkweil commented 10 months ago

Hi Michael,

Thanks for you recent help with autoplay.

This query relates to a new installation on Home Assistant (2023.08.1) with an RPI4. Spotty helper is v1.30, LMS is v8.3.1.57.

Everything works as it should except my Spotify client (phone, tablet, computer, also in Home Assistant) skips tracks or gets tracks ahead of LMS. Playback often ends early. This happens with playback on individual or grouped squeezelite players (these are Squeezelite v0.0.17 on Home Assistant and 2x MoOde audio RPI4s with Squeezelite v1.9.8-1317).

Activating this setting makes no difference: "Optimize Pre-Buffering - only enable if your Spotify application seems to be tracks ahead of Spotty playback in Connect mode."

Very grateful for any help.

Kind regards, David

michaelherger commented 10 months ago

This unfortunately is a quite common problem 😞. See eg. https://github.com/michaelherger/Spotty-Plugin/issues/82#issuecomment-1498764573. It's something I've tried to address in many ways, but the underlying issue remains.

Oinkweil commented 10 months ago

OK, I see the constraint now. In this case, I'd better just use Spotty and group player for multi-room and stick to Spotify on MoOde Audio for the individual playback. Nearly perfect! Cheers

Oinkweil commented 10 months ago

I just discovered the material interface for LMS. It’s a revelation!! iframed into my dashboard, I think it’s all I need 🙂