michaelherger / librespot

Open Source Spotify client library
MIT License
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Announce Squeezebox players with multiple accounts #21

Open mr-manuel opened 2 hours ago

mr-manuel commented 2 hours ago


first of all thank you for this great plugin!

I'm experiencing some issues with the announcement of the Squeezebox players for the second (out of two) Spotify account. The first account sees all players, but the second account sees only the first player in the list. In this case Don't announce Squeezebox players running in Spotify Connect mode in your network. Check this option if you don't want your Spotify Connect enabled Squeezebox player to show up in all Spotify apps in your network. is checked. If I uncheck it, then obviously it works.

I'm using a Spotify Client ID and the second user is added on the User Management page for the inserted key. Both accounts have premium.

Does also someone else have this issue?

I put the log to debug, but I found no data that could help me. Any tips for what to search for?

michaelherger commented 2 hours ago

I don't understand your question: you tell Spotty not to announce the players in your network. Why would you expect them still to be seen?

The one account seeing it is not seeing it on the network, but through Spotify's servers. But the other accounts don't see it, because it's connected to the first account. If one of them is seeing both then this probably is some caching, and would go away after a while?