michaelherger / lms-plugin-tidal

A TIDAL plugin to integrate with the Lyrion Music Server (fka. Logitech Media Server)
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Where does the Moods come from? #8

Open kronzo opened 9 months ago

kronzo commented 9 months ago

Where do these five German moods come from? I switched my LMS, my Mac OS X and TIDAL to English, deleted my account in the plugin and reactivated it again. But it didn't change anything. The TIDAL app also shows a much larger selection of moods.

Screenshot at Feb 12 20-58-55

michaelherger commented 9 months ago

Yeah, I'm seeing the same. The web UI seems to be using a custom endpoint to get them, not the regular API's. And the Python implementations seems to have switched to that a while ago (see https://github.com/tamland/python-tidal/blob/b8c2c2de53ec2151b8073e4a7ab2cb0461b35b40/tidalapi/session.py#L951). Maybe we'll have to do the same. But I prefer to stick with documented functions...

Edit: their latest API doesn't have the moods call any more / yet.