michaelhodgejr / esx_impound

Adds impound lots to FiveM servers via the ESX Framework
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Usage... #7

Open deviljin112 opened 6 years ago

deviljin112 commented 6 years ago


So basically my question is... Since its supporting Esx_eden_garage what is stopping a person who's vehicle was impounded through /impound to go to esx_eden_garage impound and get their vehicle there instantly without a waiting period etc... unless im missing the point of this script... because once the state changes to 0 the script (esx_eden_garage) allows a used to just retrive it instantly...

michaelhodgejr commented 6 years ago

@deviljin112 It actually removes it from the garage "owned_vehicles" table and it will stay there until it is removed from the impound. If a vehicle is impounded it is impossible to retrieve it from the garage script until that car is removed from the impound. Does that make sense?

deviljin112 commented 6 years ago

Sure, that makes sense actually, however I ran the script and this is why my ISSUE post was created, it doesnt seem to be working like that for me... This is why im confused about how its supposed to work... im using esx_eden_garage_updated

EDIT: I can basically impound the vehicle and still be able to retrieve it from the impound in eden_garage... not sure why or if the updated eden_garage uses some other way of writing in the vehicles... though i really want to use your script so any tips will be appreciated :)

michaelhodgejr commented 6 years ago

@deviljin112 I'm not sure what exactly is happening there. Does your owned_vehicles table have a plate column? If so you want to modify the config file to account for that. If it does not have a plate column it does the lookup via search for plate in the vehicle attributes in the owned_vehicles table. My guess is if you are impounding a vehicle that you know is in the owned_vehicles table, and it's impounding correctly but not deleting the vehicle from the garage table then it is an issue with it initally finding the vehicle in the garage. It's searching via the plate column in the owned_vehicles table if Config.OwnedVehiclesHasPlateColumn = true or otherwise for the plate via the attributes.

Here is the file where that is happening, maybe that will help point you in the right direction:


deviljin112 commented 6 years ago

I have it all set up correctly, config set to true with plate, and my owned_vehicles has plate in it... I'm really confused as to why it's not working I have looked through your server.lua and it seems that its all correct like all the information its pulling i have available and set up correctly... so im not sure... :/