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Creating a new ros type #12

Open hermonir opened 6 years ago

hermonir commented 6 years ago


I need to subscribe to a new type of message, LogMsg. I wrote the msg as follows. It's located under Assets/ROSBridgeLib/tevel_msgs

using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using SimpleJSON;
using ROSBridgeLib.tevel_msgs;

namespace ROSBridgeLib {
namespace tevel_msgs {
    public class LogMsg : ROSBridgeMsg {
        private string _module_name;
        private string _text;

        public LogMsg(JSONNode msg) {
            _module_name    = msg ["module_name"].Value;
            _text       = msg ["text"].Value;

        public LogMsg(string moduleName, string text) {
            _module_name    = moduleName;
            _text       = text;

        public static string GetMessageType() {
            return "tevel_msgs/Log";

        public string GetText() {
            return _text;

        public string GetModule() {
            return _module_name;

        public override string ToString() {
            return "text =" + _text;

        public override string ToYAMLString() {
            return "{\"text\" : " + _text + "}";

The subscriber is this:

using ROSBridgeLib;
using ROSBridgeLib.tevel_msgs;
using System.Collections;
using SimpleJSON;
using UnityEngine;

public class TevelInfo : ROSBridgeSubscriber {

public delegate void NewLogMessageDelegate (string module, string text);//, int type);
public static event NewLogMessageDelegate newLogMessageEvent;

public static int lastCounter = -1;

public new static string GetMessageTopic() {
    return "/tevel/info";

public new static string GetMessageType() {
    return "tevel_msgs/Log";

public new static ROSBridgeMsg ParseMessage(JSONNode msg) {
    LogMsg newMsg = new LogMsg(msg);
    if (newLogMessageEvent != null)
        newLogMessageEvent (newMsg.GetModule (), newMsg.GetText ());

    return new LogMsg(msg);

public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg) {


I use this line of code: ros.AddSubscriber (typeof(TevelInfo)); And on RosBridge on Ubuntu, I get this error message: subscribe: Unable to load the manifest for package tevel_msgs. Caused by: tevel_msgs

Why can't I subscribe to any topic / message type I want?

Thanks :-)

michaeljenkin commented 6 years ago

It sounds as though ROS does not know the level_msg msg. Are the messages properly built into ROS? That is, if you run runsmg do you get all the data about it?