michaeljsmith / vim-indent-object

Vim plugin that defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts, etc.
MIT License
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Feature request: block text object #25

Open IngoMeyer441 opened 4 years ago

IngoMeyer441 commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for this project. It makes working with source code much easier. :slightly_smiling_face: Often, I find myself positioning the text cursor on the top line of an indent region (the line before the next indent level starts). So, I have to go down one line before I can use ii, ai and so on. So I created a simple patch to add block mappings (ab, ib, aB, iB) which increment the line number by one and then call your mappings. That works quite well, but it is an ugly hack. That is my current patch:

diff --git a/plugin/indent-object.vim b/plugin/indent-object.vim
index bd4075e..d276f81 100644
--- a/plugin/indent-object.vim
+++ b/plugin/indent-object.vim
@@ -36,6 +36,20 @@ onoremap <silent>iI :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 0, [line("."),
 vnoremap <silent>aI :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
 vnoremap <silent>iI :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 1, [line("'<"), line("'>"), col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv

+" Simple extra mappings for a block object (the current/selected line is interpreted as top line)
+" Mappings excluding line below.
+onoremap <silent>ab :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 0, 0, [line(".")+1, line(".")+1, col("."), col(".")])<CR>
+onoremap <silent>ib :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 0, 0, [line(".")+1, line(".")+1, col("."), col(".")])<CR>
+vnoremap <silent>ab :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 0, 1, [line("'<")+1, line("'>")+1, col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
+vnoremap <silent>ib :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 0, 1, [line("'<")+1, line("'>")+1, col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
+" Mappings including line below.
+onoremap <silent>aB :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 0, [line(".")+1, line(".")+1, col("."), col(".")])<CR>
+onoremap <silent>iB :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 0, [line(".")+1, line(".")+1, col("."), col(".")])<CR>
+vnoremap <silent>aB :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(0, 1, 1, [line("'<")+1, line("'>")+1, col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
+vnoremap <silent>iB :<C-u>cal <Sid>HandleTextObjectMapping(1, 1, 1, [line("'<")+1, line("'>")+1, col("'<"), col("'>")])<CR><Esc>gv
 let s:l0 = -1
 let s:l1 = -1
 let s:c0 = -1

What do you think? Is this a feature that would be useful to others? Does a simple way exist to integrate this in your existing code?