michaeljsmith / vim-indent-object

Vim plugin that defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts, etc.
MIT License
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Use xnoremap instead of vnoremap #28

Closed rddunphy closed 1 year ago

rddunphy commented 2 years ago

The :vnoremap command affects both Visual and Select modes, but the Visual mode bindings provided break in Select mode, since the gv is interpreted as replacing the selection with the literal characters "gv". Since this binding is probably not desirable in Select mode in any case, I propose simply changing the commands to use :xnoremap, which applies only to Visual mode (see :help mapmode-x).

rddunphy commented 1 year ago

Looks like this repo is unmaintained - urxvtcd's fork looks like a good replacement that includes this fix.