michaelklishin / quartz-mongodb

A MongoDB-based store for the Quartz scheduler. This fork strives to be as feature complete as possible. Originally by MuleSoft.
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Connection to the mongodb, which is in replica set on another host. #104

Open iburtsev opened 8 years ago

iburtsev commented 8 years ago

Hi, guys! I am trying to connect to the one of the seed of the mongo replica set, to master seed, and have no success. I am using such kind of properties file

org.quartz.jobStore.addresses=seed-host1:27017, seed-host2:27017

seeds have no login\password and closed for the access from the "world". I use SpringData in the project, and it connects well if use without JobStore. I mean basic CRUD operations with the mongos.

With MongoJobStore, ajusted in such way i got an exception -

D 1023-1148:42,006 o.q.s.SimpleThreadPool Shutdown of threadpool complete. [main]
I 1023-1148:42,009 o.q.c.QuartzScheduler Scheduler QuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutdown complete. [main]
E 1023-1148:42,009 c.p.o.c.s.p.s.NotificationSchedulerService Error while initializing the indexes [main]
org.quartz.SchedulerConfigException: Error while initializing the indexes [See nested exception: com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException: Timed out after 300s while waiting for a server that matches PrimaryServerSelector. Client view of cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{address=localhost:27017, typeNOWN, state=CONNECTING, exception={com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket}, caused by {java.net.ConnectException: Connection red}}]]

Could you please bring the light on this please.

michaelklishin commented 7 years ago

@pwojnowski this sounds like a sensible feature request. Any objections?

Teja-Joveo commented 4 years ago

Hi! Any update on how to resolve this issue?