michaelklishin / quartz-mongodb

A MongoDB-based store for the Quartz scheduler. This fork strives to be as feature complete as possible. Originally by MuleSoft.
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Please link Bintray repository to JCenter #132

Closed jochenberger closed 4 years ago

jochenberger commented 7 years ago

For 2.0 and newer releases to be available from JCenter, the Bintray repo should be linked with it. You can do that from https://bintray.com/michaelklishin/maven/quartz-mongodb (remember to sign in).

korest commented 7 years ago

Not sure why but it's not working for me to resolve dependency from bintray

repositories {
    maven { url "https://dl.bintray.com/michaelklishin/maven/" }

dependencies {
    compile ("org.quartz-scheduler:quartz:2.2.3")
    compile ("com.novemberain:quartz-mongodb:2.0.0")

Always getting error Could not find com.novemberain:quartz-mongodb:2.0.0.

@jochenberger or @michaelklishin maybe you know what could be wrong?

michaelklishin commented 7 years ago

I've linked it with group com.novemberain but it still doesn't appear in the list of linked repositories. Let's give it some time.

michaelklishin commented 7 years ago

OK, so apparently the "Add to JCenter" button leads me to a message composer, so that's just placing a request. We should wait then.

jochenberger commented 7 years ago

Didn't you get a response yet? They usually reply within a day.

michaelklishin commented 7 years ago

They did. I need to include source and JavaDoc packages in order to be accepted. I'm not a Gradle expert so if you know what's the right way to do that, feel free to look into a PR and I will try again :)

jochenberger commented 7 years ago

Hm, source JARs are what I tried to accomplish with #123. I don't think that you need a JavaDoc JAR if you have a source JAR. I have various projects linked to JCenter that only have source JARs. In fact, gradle build builds the source JAR just fine. How do you upload your packages to Bintray?

jochenberger commented 7 years ago

Ah, you use the bintrayUpload task, as I do. But you configure a publication (https://github.com/michaelklishin/quartz-mongodb/blob/master/build.gradle#L114) and I configure a configuration (https://github.com/eddyson-de/tapestry-react/blob/master/build.gradle#L147). It's probably just a matter of adding the source JAR artiifact to the "QuartzMongoDB" publication. I wonder what the difference is.

jochenberger commented 7 years ago

You may have to upload the 2.0.0 source JAR manually to BinTray.

michaelklishin commented 7 years ago

Yup. Will give that a shot later, thank you.

jochenberger commented 7 years ago

You're welcome.

jochenberger commented 7 years ago

Any news?

jochenberger commented 7 years ago

@michaelklishin, any news?

michaelklishin commented 6 years ago

I tried linking the repo on Bintray again, still no effect after a few days and absolutely no errors or notifications of any kind.

michaelklishin commented 6 years ago

Got a response from Bintray, investigating what else has to happen (we seem to include a source jar and now a javadoc one).

michaelklishin commented 4 years ago

According to the package page, this artifact is included into JCenter now.