michaelklishin / quartz-mongodb

A MongoDB-based store for the Quartz scheduler. This fork strives to be as feature complete as possible. Originally by MuleSoft.
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setUnscheduleAllTriggers (true) does not have any effect #176

Open maTuaner opened 4 years ago

maTuaner commented 4 years ago
try {
        }catch (Exception e){
            JobExecutionException e2 = new JobExecutionException(e);
            throw e2;

e2.setUnscheduleAllTriggers(true); This method doesn't work. The trigger associated with the job is still running. What do I need to do to make it work? Thanks.

michaelklishin commented 4 years ago

Perhaps that operation doesn't perform the necessary table updates. I haven't used it or have seen it used, so it can be an overlooked API part. Feel free to investigate and submit a pull request.