michaelkourlas / voipms-sms-client

Popular Android messaging app for VoIP.ms, a Canadian VoIP provider
Apache License 2.0
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App does not support a "Dialing Mode for SMS (3CX/API)" setting of "E164" ("Sync failed: corrupt response") #273

Closed johnlescault closed 1 month ago

johnlescault commented 2 months ago

It seems my app hasn't been syncing all day. Is there something bigger going on? Or is there something down at voip.ms by chance?

michaelkourlas commented 2 months ago

There appears to have been an API change.

Normally DIDs and contacts are presented as follows in the getMMS API response:

19:19:59","type":"0","did":"5555555555","contact":"5555555555","message":"<message omitted>","col_media1":"","col_media2":"","col_media3":"","media":[]}

However, when a did parameter is specified in the request (to retrieve messages for a specific DID) the API now includes a prefix of +1 for DIDs and contacts:

19:19:59","type":"0","did":"+15555555555","contact":"+15555555555","message":"<message omitted>","col_media1":"","col_media2":"","col_media3":"","media":[]}

The app doesn't support this format.

michaelkourlas commented 2 months ago

The inconsistency between calls that include vs. omit a did parameter suggests this was not an intentional change.

johnlescault commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply! I assume this means we are stuck waiting for voip.ms to fix it at their end?

Chimearaproductions commented 2 months ago

It wasn't working for me most of the day, then suddenly started working again at around 7:30pm et.

michaelkourlas commented 2 months ago

This was addressed by VoIP.ms yesterday -- no action required.

alex8065 commented 1 month ago

I am still getting this error. @michaelkourlas Could it be because I have multiple DIDs? In the phone numbers tab it says "stored locally but not found in Voip.ms account".

michaelkourlas commented 1 month ago

A user emailed me to tell me that you have to change the per-DID "Dialing Mode for SMS (3CX/API)" setting to NANPA. The app doesn't support the E164 format yet.

michaelkourlas commented 1 month ago

I'll be updating the app with E164 support at some point.

michaelkourlas commented 1 month ago

This will be addressed in the next release.