michaellukashov / Far-NetBox

SFTP/SCP/FTP/FTPS/WebDAV/S3 client for Far Manager 3 (http://farmanager.com/)
GNU General Public License v2.0
156 stars 52 forks source link

No Such File or Directory #377

Closed CrazyMihey closed 4 months ago

CrazyMihey commented 5 months ago

An annoying Nuisance was discovered after Manually Installing Far-NetBox x64 (Main) on Far Manager 3.0.6226.0 x64: When Displaying The Root Directory (Standard Installation) of FreeBSD, PlugIn shows an Error: «No Such File or Directory…» [First Screen-Shot]. No Such File or Directory Switching Protocol from «SFTP» to «SCP» Gives a more detailed Error: «Command ls … Failed …» [Second Screen-Shot]. Command ls Failed As I understand, the Problem is that Root «/» on FreeBSD contains a Symbolic Link «/sys» to the Source Catalog «/usr/src/sys», which is not Created Yet. And maybe newer will Exist in Some Installations.

root@Msk.CrazyMihey.Ru:~ # ls -lsAFG "/"
total 32885
    0 lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel           11 Apr  9  2021 sys@ -> usr/src/sys
    4 drwxrwxrwt   7 root  wheel          512 Feb 17 04:15 tmp/
    4 drwxr-xr-x  14 root  wheel          512 Apr 27  2021 usr/
root@Msk.CrazyMihey.Ru:~ # ls -lsAFG "/usr/src"
total 0

ReMoving «/sys» stops NetBox from Reporting Error Every Time on Root. So, the Problem is NetBox (with DeFailt Settings) Produces an Error when meets a Link to an UnExisting Object. I Hope It is not too Difficult to Fix? Old Version of NetBox (Master), Included in Current Distributions of Far Manager, did not have This Error, but is Very-Very Old, does not Understand PPK «PuTTY-User-Key-File-3» and can not Use RSA WithOut MD5-Hash (Deprecated on New Versions of OpenSSH due to Collisions), so Is UnUseAble Now. Why does Far Manager still include 7-Years Old Version?

michaellukashov commented 4 months ago

Please try new version https://nightly.link/michaellukashov/Far-NetBox/workflows/release/main?preview

CrazyMihey commented 4 months ago

Great and so Fast! Now if «/usr/src/sys» does not Exist, «/sys» is Shown as a (Regular?) File (with Size of 11 Bytes) and no Error Reported, until a Try to Open this File. If «/usr/src/sys» Exists, It is Shown as a Directory and Works Fine: Opening «/sys» jumps to «/usr/src/sys». Are You going to Include This Version («main») into Distributions of Far Manager? Thank You for the OutStanding PlugIn, UseFul for Thousands of Admins (and not Only)!

michaellukashov commented 4 months ago

Created PR: https://github.com/FarGroup/Far-NetBox/pull/43