michaellukashov / Far-NetBox

SFTP/SCP/FTP/FTPS/WebDAV/S3 client for Far Manager 3 (http://farmanager.com/)
GNU General Public License v2.0
155 stars 52 forks source link

Some misaligned text in localization (for example russian) #395

Open alabuzhev opened 4 months ago

alabuzhev commented 4 months ago

https://github.com/FarGroup/Far-NetBox/issues/41 by @CfYz-R



Modifying language files doesn't work...

About window has the same issue even in default English language...

@yulian5: The problem here is that the width for all Dialogs I checked is hard-coded.

I made a fix for 2 mentioned dialogs 231218.NetBox.patch and then I found that all dialogs should be fixed so I stopped here.

I think the best approach will be to pass the width from TFarText to parent like TFarDialog and calculate minimum width already inside parent dialog. So I think it's will be fine to apply provided patch for mentioned 2 dialogs and then I proceed with more improvements for all other dialogs.

I tested fixes with all 3 languages for NetBox, looks fine. For "About" dialog there is an extra space on the right side, not clear where it come from. I checked a few dialogs from Far Manager, some of then also have that extra space on the right.


I didn't provide any changelog changes or version changes. Please, let me know, If I need to.

I see that NetBox actually needs a lot of work.