michaellzc / vscode-hadolint

VSCode extension to integrate hadolint, a Dockerfile linter, into VSCode
MIT License
77 stars 5 forks source link

Bundle extension in production build #43

Closed michaellzc closed 3 years ago

michaellzc commented 3 years ago
➜  vscode-hadolint git:(master) ✗ npx vsce package                              
Executing prepublish script 'npm run vscode:prepublish'...

This extension consists of 451 files, out of which 230 are JavaScript files. For performance reasons, you should bundle your extension: https://aka.ms/vscode-bundle-extension . You should also exclude unnecessary files by adding them to your .vscodeignore: https://aka.ms/vscode-vscodeignore

Not sure if there is any actual performance gain, but this message is annoying as hell.

We need to use either webpack, parcel, or any JS bundler to bundle the extension.
