michaelmob / docker-funkwhale

All-in-one funkwhale docker image.
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Is it possible to use plugins via environment? #54

Closed ncoschrdr closed 3 years ago

ncoschrdr commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm currently trying to get the Scrobbler Plugin to work by trying to replicate the last answer with the Docker-compose command "environment" from here:

"Actually, this is implemented! I forgot to close this issue, but thanks to our new plugin system, it's now possible to have scrobbling:
1. Add `FUNKWHALE_PLUGINS=funkwhale_api.contrib.scrobbler` to your .env file
1. In the UI, go to `/settings` then `manage plugins`, and configure the scrobbler plugin for your user :)"

I've added "FUNKWHALE_PLUGINS=funkwhale_api.contrib.scrobbler" to my compose file, but it doesn't seem to work, I hoped this would work because I tried adding "NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE=200M" by chance, and it worked.

Is this even possible?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: my full compose file

version: '3.3'
        container_name: funkwhale
        network_mode: traefik_default
            - NESTED_PROXY=0
            - FUNKWHALE_PLUGINS=funkwhale_api.contrib.scrobbler
            - NGINX_MAX_BODY_SIZE=200M
            - '/mnt/share/music_new/funkwhale_data:/data'
            - '/mnt/share/music_new/bought:/music:ro'
#        ports:
#            - '3030:80'
        image: thetarkus/funkwhale
            - "traefik.enable=true"
            - "traefik.http.routers.funkwhale.entrypoints=http"
            - "traefik.http.routers.funkwhale.rule=Host(`funkwhale.mydomain.net`)"
            - "traefik.http.middlewares.funkwhale-https-redirect.redirectscheme.scheme=https"
            - "traefik.http.routers.funkwhale.middlewares=funkwhale-https-redirect"
            - "traefik.http.routers.funkwhale-secure.entrypoints=https"
            - "traefik.http.routers.funkwhale-secure.rule=Host(`funkwhale.mydomain.net`)"
            - "traefik.http.routers.funkwhale-secure.tls=true"
            - "traefik.http.routers.funkwhale-secure.tls.certresolver=http"
            - "traefik.http.routers.funkwhale-secure.service=funkwhale"
            - "traefik.http.services.funkwhale.loadbalancer.server.port=80"
            - com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable="true"
ncoschrdr commented 3 years ago

Solved. used this image from Docker hub instead of the all-in-one one.