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reflection #1

Open Cassidy7396 opened 6 years ago

Cassidy7396 commented 6 years ago

week 2 overvew.txt

Reflection week 2 hw

For me over these past 2 weeks, The downloading of Atom and brackets was difficult and I still don't think they are working right. They have trouble opening the view where I can see what it looks like online and not in code. I had trouble navigating GitHub but now I am fairly proficient but, I still have trouble with GitHub desktop version.

but, on a brighter note, I also have started reading the book and refreshing my memory on HTML code that I learned in high school and for the most part, are keeping up in my classes. I've made a few trial codes in both Atom and Brackets, I've made multiple repositories and connected them both with the online GitHub and the desktop GitHub which is connected through my files. And I completed week 1 homework and with this, I think week 2.

Through returning some of my HTML I remembered how to change the color of text, change text from bold to italic, to small and so on,make borders around text, and change the background color and so on. There are probably things I have probably forgotten to mention but that is what I have been doing. I myself think I need to be doing more and I'm probably right.

michaelmusick commented 6 years ago

Hey @cassidy7396, would you please host this response on your own github repo, then provide a link to it in the course hw-2 wiki. https://github.com/Montana-Media-Arts/120_CreativeCoding_Fall2017/wiki/HW-2

Thank you.