michaelprimez / searchablespinner

Searchable Spinner
Apache License 2.0
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Why is the API 21 min required? #1

Open n0m0r3pa1n opened 7 years ago

n0m0r3pa1n commented 7 years ago

I saw that the only thing that makes API 21 min required is the circleRevealAnimation. You can use this lib instead: https://github.com/ozodrukh/CircularReveal Also, why do you need the constraint-layout lib. If you don't use it - remove it. The last one is if you can target version 15+ devices you also have to add a check for the removeOnGlobalLayout and removeGlobalOnLayout listeners.

michaelprimez commented 7 years ago

Hello @n0m0r3pa1n

You right about the constraint-layout lib and i remove it. Also, you right about the min sdk > 21. And i am considering to use the library you propose or rebound . But unfortunately the time is an issue and i do not know when i will do it. Finally, of course you are welcome to implement this issue and make a pull request.


SunilSDK commented 7 years ago

Its having release time null pointer exception

SunilSDK commented 7 years ago

Please help me

domoemmanuel99 commented 7 years ago

please remove the API 21 min, i want to use your awesome spinner.

michaelprimez commented 7 years ago

Hi @sunilash143

I am not sure what you mean with "release time null pointer exception", you getting a null pointer exception only on the release version of your app?? Can you give me more infos please.

michaelprimez commented 7 years ago

Hi @domoemmanuel99

I am sorry this is not possible right now. The lib is based on code that require min sdk 21, and that kind of changes needs more time that i do not have right now. Of course, anyone is free to do it and create a pull request. Thanks

enkemari commented 7 years ago


I totally get not having time to fix this, but my guess is that more people still target v15 as a minimum, so with this comment, I'm just saying that I'd also like the library to target v15 rather than v21, please?

Good luck!

idrisbohra commented 6 years ago

Hi @n0m0r3pa1n how to implement CircularReveal for PopupWindow in @michaelprimez searchablespinner library as it is giving me "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parent must be instance of RevealViewGroup" error. Thank you.

Akhil-Tripathi commented 6 years ago

@michaelprimez PR based on comments from @n0m0r3pa1n https://github.com/michaelprimez/searchablespinner/pull/20

Akhil-Tripathi commented 6 years ago

@idrisbohra one soln to your question : https://github.com/michaelprimez/searchablespinner/pull/20

MansoorNisar92 commented 5 years ago

you guys can modify minsdkversion and it will work