michaelrambeau / risingstars2016

A complete overview of the JavaScript landscape in 2016: trends about front-end and node.js frameworks, tooling... Available in English, Japanese and Chinese.
75 stars 10 forks source link

Promotion plan for the Japanese version #11

Open michaelrambeau opened 7 years ago

michaelrambeau commented 7 years ago

Hello @azukiwasher , @vanx2, @meltedice

I gave you access to GoogleAnalytics data.

In one week, we got 127 K Page Views with the English version. The peak was on January the 20th, we got 50 K PageViews! (in 1 day)



The main source of visitors was HackerNews, the link I posted (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13427209) got 253 points.

So let's try to think about what we can do to be successful in Japan 🇯🇵 !

@SachaG had a huge role in the success: he found the right title ("Rising Stars") and sent messages to important people.

My first ideas:

Comments, Ideas ?

michaelrambeau commented 7 years ago

Launching "JavaScript ベスト・オブ・ザ・イヤー 2016"

The Japanese page was published to Github Pages on January the 27th (Friday), early in the morning.


I published a short article on Qiita (the article contains only the introduction and the link to the web site)


Then I tried to create a post on https://news.ycombinator.com/. But my entry was flagged a few minutes after I posted it. It seems that HackerNews accepts only contributions in English.

@Vanx published a post on node.js Slack channel: https://iojs-jp.slack.com/archives/general/p1485479938000183

I created an entry in FreeCodeCamp forum (in the News category) https://forum.freecodecamp.com/t/the-2016-javascript-rising-stars-now-in-japanese/81059

michaelrambeau commented 7 years ago

First Results

The Japanese site got around 5 K PageViews (4465 according to Google but unfortunately there is no data about Friday morning, GoogleAnalytics was no more in the page!)

To check the data In GoogleAnalytics, go to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages > Select the /ja/ page.


In the afternoon, there was up to 60 visitors connected at the same time.


It seems that many visitors come from Hatena

