michaelrigart / ansible-role-interfaces

An ansible role for configuring different network interfaces
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Networkmanager #136

Closed eb4x closed 1 year ago

eb4x commented 1 year ago

network-scripts is deprecated (and removed from el9 releases if I'm not mistaken). In el8 networkmanager does a pretty good job of reading network-scripts, so might aswell try using it.

For el9 support we'll also need to convert the network-scripts files to nmconnection files.

markgoddard commented 1 year ago


bbezak commented 1 year ago

RHEL 9 still supports old network scripts and it can also do ifup/ifdown with NetworkManager-initscripts-updown package. I've tested it on Rocky 9, and it works well - https://github.com/bbezak/ansible-role-interfaces/commit/31ce70ee7919da914fc5710d9b186d0149335253

I've also started adding ethernet template for native NM keyfile format, however that still needs some work - https://github.com/bbezak/ansible-role-interfaces/commit/8aad4f91497a6ae74a2b1dbcb01fbe86ffc7d259



bbezak commented 1 year ago

RHEL 9 still supports old network scripts and it can also do ifup/ifdown with NetworkManager-initscripts-updown package. I've tested it on Rocky 9, and it works well - bbezak@31ce70e

I've also started adding ethernet template for native NM keyfile format, however that still needs some work - bbezak@8aad4f9



It is even more interesting, when one creates bonding with nmcli then only old school network script got created:

nmcli connection add type bond con-name bond42 ifname bond42 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses '' ipv4.gateway '' ipv4.dns '' bond.options "mode=active-backup,miimon=1000"

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond42
BONDING_OPTS="mode=active-backup miimon=1000"
eb4x commented 1 year ago

RHEL 9 still supports old network scripts and it can also do ifup/ifdown with NetworkManager-initscripts-updown package. I've tested it on Rocky 9, and it works well - bbezak@31ce70e

Could this get merged then? Installing that package seems like a good enough option to tie us over until we actually need nmconnection files.

I've also started adding ethernet template for native NM keyfile format, however that still needs some work - bbezak@8aad4f9

Cool, I've written some nmconnection files just to get a feel for it, I'll have a look at your work :)

eb4x commented 1 year ago

Not necessarily feature-complete, but this works for my setup.

[eno1,eno2] -> bond0 -> br-provision {ipv4 address, multiple routes} bond0.1000 -> br-internet {dhcp}

eb4x commented 1 year ago

Really starting to like this eb4x/ansible-role-interfaces@3215b4a0be7b9745df92b8e152aa6696e6c4be88 type of solution.

eb4x commented 1 year ago

Updated with smol modifications. will test if they still work. (I suspect the named regex groups should have \g and not \g when single-quoted.)

eb4x commented 1 year ago

The bounce networkmanager devices needs more thought/work. I think it needs to be a shellscript like the other one and run "con down/up" for certain interfaces to have their changes take.

markgoddard commented 1 year ago

The bounce networkmanager devices needs more thought/work. I think it needs to be a shellscript like the other one and run "con down/up" for certain interfaces to have their changes take.

Can you give more information about this - did it not work with a simple service restart, or was there some undesirable side-effect?

eb4x commented 1 year ago

Can you give more information about this - did it not work with a simple service restart, or was there some undesirable side-effect?

Once the interfaces are up, if there are changes to them later in the form of new/additional ips, those kinds of changes aren't effected.

markgoddard commented 1 year ago

Can you give more information about this - did it not work with a simple service restart, or was there some undesirable side-effect?

Once the interfaces are up, if there are changes to them later in the form of new/additional ips, those kinds of changes aren't effected.

Ok, that's a problem. Let's go with the other approach then.

eb4x commented 1 year ago

I've merged a fix from Pierre. Just modified the when clause to interfaces_use_nmconnection. I'm currently using NetworkManager with network-scripts store on EL8, (which is a possibility) and I'd rather not have any surprises.

eb4x commented 1 year ago

Looking at ifcfg removal some more, it didn't seem quite right. Changed the with_items to a list of all interfaces we manage. Needs testing.

eb4x commented 1 year ago

Well, that cleared out some dummy-files I created from network-scripts. So I suppose that works.

@priteau ab2d0484be38a599591d26430d0d57081582742f looks ok to you?

eb4x commented 1 year ago

I've "improved" upon the previous NM bouncer. It's not thoroughly tested, but it's using the same techniques as the other bouncer, so expecting equal outcome to that. Quick glance shows changes to existing interfaces (adding/removal of IPs) are effected.

markgoddard commented 1 year ago

Merge conflicts

eb4x commented 1 year ago

Thanks for catching the details here :+1:

I've applied fixups to the commits introducing/containing erroneous code.

markgoddard commented 1 year ago
