michaelrmartin / qorkd-social-wine-app

Actualize Capstone Project - Backend V2
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Research Ticket: User/Wine Recommendation Algorithms #1

Open KatherineEvans opened 1 year ago

KatherineEvans commented 1 year ago

Research some potential statistics and comparison metrics you'd be interested in tracking for your users:

Would a user be interested in seeing:

michaelrmartin commented 1 year ago

Ruby gem for recommendations - https://github.com/ankane/disco

Mosst promisinng

michaelrmartin commented 1 year ago

Most complicated ? - https://towardsdatascience.com/a-complete-guide-to-recommender-system-tutorial-with-sklearn-surprise-keras-recommender-5e52e8ceace1

michaelrmartin commented 1 year ago


michaelrmartin commented 1 year ago

Bottld - uses python and nearest neighbor algorithm. might be a nice v3 option


michaelrmartin commented 1 year ago
