michaelrommel / nvim-silicon

neovim plugin to create code images using the external silicon tool.
MIT License
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Feature request: space after line-numbers #6

Closed BWindey closed 4 months ago

BWindey commented 4 months ago

Hi, I'm really like this tool after seeing it from "Dreams of Code" Youtube video. I've set it all up, configured it with Catppuccin, and now I'm making screenshots that are prettier then a colourful sunset.

Anyways, the only "issue" I have left, is that the line-numbers appear a bit to close to the lines for my liking. Would it be possible to add something to the options to control how much space is between the numbers and the start of the text? It could be something like

    line_number_pad = 0        -- (default?)

Thanks a lot for considering this!

For reference: image image

(2nd image I turned off gobble and placed a space in front of the line)

michaelrommel commented 4 months ago

Hello, thanks for your suggestion! I can implement that for sure with the blanks. Other spacings in pixel units or so would be subject to a change to the underlying silicon rust tool. Will look at it in the next days!

michaelrommel commented 4 months ago


can you check out the latest version, please? I have added a num_separator option, that you can use to insert arbitrary characters between the number column and the code. You can set this to a single blank, as you had it in your example, but also choose to do something like below.

I hope that matches your expectation, then feel free to close this issue.


Thanks for the suggestion,


BWindey commented 4 months ago

That's exactly what I wished! Thanks for the swift reply and fix!
