michaelrsweet / lprint

A Label Printer Application
Apache License 2.0
233 stars 31 forks source link

Feature request: CUPS style Bluetooth rfcomm0 support #156

Open noabody opened 2 days ago

noabody commented 2 days ago

It's little known that CUPS does support both Bluetooth and serial URIs e.g.,

bluetooth://AABBCCDDEEFF/spp (by MAC address) serial:/dev/rfcomm0?baud=115200+bits=8+parity=none+flow=none (by Bluetooth serial)

I've used the serial form quite successfully in Arch [Manjaro] Linux with an additional udev rule:

echo 'KERNEL=="rfcomm0", GROUP="lp", MODE="0660"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/99-bt-printer.rules

There are a bunch of Bluetooth enabled wireless label printers on the market and I'd love to use lprint with them.

michaelrsweet commented 2 days ago

Not sure how far down the rabbit hole I want to go to support Bluetooth directly (BPP and HCRP are both common, in addition to serial), but certainly I could look at adding support for serial devices since those are also used by a lot of receipt printers.