michaelschaub / calcium-imaging-analysis

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max_components from config.yaml doesn't apply to anatomical? #41

Closed DaminK closed 1 year ago

DaminK commented 2 years ago

Anatomical doesn't improve from 30 comps anatomical_performances30 to 65 comps (The differences are due to different test/train splits in the separate runs of the pipeline) anatomical_performances65 But SVD does from 30 svd_performances30comps to 65 svd_performances65comps

This doesn't make sense as anatomical components aren't even ordered by "importance" as opposed to SVD components, therefore SVD with 30 "random" components out of 65 comps should performe worse in comparison. In feature.py max_comps is passed regardless of the used parcellation therefore I don't know how this happens.