michaelscodingspot / WPF_MVVMC

A WPF framework for navigation between pages with MVC-like pattern
MIT License
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navigate from Inputbinding #1

Closed ghost1372 closed 5 years ago

ghost1372 commented 5 years ago

hi i need navigate when user click on Expander Menu But this control does not have the Command property so After some searching I found the following code:

<MyExpander Content="new">
        <MouseBinding Gesture="LeftClick" 
                     Command="{mvvmc:NavigateCommand ControllerID='MainOperation',Action='myDashboard'}"

But the command is not executed

michaelscodingspot commented 5 years ago


You can try to use with the System.Windows.Interactivity.WPF NuGet like this:

// namespace:
// ....

<MyExpander Content="new">
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Expanded" >
        Command="{mvvmc:NavigateCommand ControllerID='MainOperation', Action='myDashboard'}"
        CommandParameter="smth" />
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Collapsed" >
        Command="{mvvmc:NavigateCommand ControllerID='MainOperation', Action='myDashboard'}"
        CommandParameter="smth" />
ghost1372 commented 5 years ago
