michaeltlombardi / MTEM

Management Tooling Excellence Matrix
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Need to Decide on Scoring Method #4

Open michaeltlombardi opened 8 years ago

michaeltlombardi commented 8 years ago

The original presumed method of scoring vendor's products was to rate each product's API, Powershell Module, and Desired State Configuration resources from 0 to 100 where 0 indicates that the product does not have an API/Module/Resource and 100 indicates that the API/Module/Resource is best-in-class.

This will require constant revision of each score as time goes on as it is intended to represent a percentage score. However, this allows someone reading the matrix to quickly and easily identify good and bad tooling support.

An alternative method is to write the rubrics so that they add points; products with a higher point total have superior management tooling to products with a lower score. This still allows users to compare products and vendors and is easier to track.

This issue will stay open until a consensus is reached.

michaeltlombardi commented 8 years ago

I'm going to live this issue open.

However, since there has been no weigh in for more than sixty days, I'm going to continue forward with the weighted percentage score for now.