michaeltopper1 / panelsummary

Create Publication-Ready Tables with Panels
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Merging functionality with `modelsummary` #9

Closed vincentarelbundock closed 1 year ago

vincentarelbundock commented 1 year ago

Hey @michaeltopper1

I just saw on CRANberriesFeed that this package was released. Congratulations! This is very cool!

A while ago, I think we had an exchange on the modelsummary github about this type of functionality. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I proposed collaborating to integrate that kind of functionality in the main package. In any case, that obviously went nowhere and you did the work. Cool.

Looking at this now, I still wonder if it wouldn't make sense to integrate. As a proof of concept, I wrote a super simple wrapper function to combine modelsummary tables vertically. Here's a notebook to illustrate:


Obviously, there are lots of rough corners, especially w.r.t. aesthetics. However, I think this that there would be important benefits to integration. In particular, this very simple function already:

All of this with <50 lines of code (including lots of boilerplate).

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I'd be very interested in collaborating to integrate something like that in the main package. It feels like this might be good for users and limit duplication of efforts by developers.

Let me know what you think.

michaeltopper1 commented 1 year ago

Hey @vincentarelbundock !

I think this is a great idea—users would be better-off if everything was in one package. In addition, integrating with modelsummary is bound to be more robust than blindly seeing if certain model object-types work correctly in panelsummary. My package definitely only serves a niche.

Your small notebook to illustrate this idea is great. It looks like you achieved most of what panelsummary does in just a few lines of code. However, there are a few things I'd love to see if this was integrated with modelsummary:

Now comes the bad news: I am unforunately (or fortunately?) going to be on the job market next year and should be working on my job market paper. My internal deal with myself is that I would release this over winter break and then not look at it (much) until I get a job. I seem to find things like this way more interesting/fun than the research I'm working on, and it's going to be a more costly distraction as the job market looms closer.

So what is the best path forward? I think this is really up to you! I'm happy (and honored!) to hand over/chat about any codes or ideas I had in panelsummary to you and your coauthors for a modelsummary::panelsummary function as you described above. If it was implemented, then I could delete this package from CRAN and you would have one less downsteam dependency to worry about in the future. Myself working as a contributor on modelsummary, however, might do more harm then good.

Happy to chat more about this over email/phone!

vincentarelbundock commented 1 year ago

That all sounds good. Thanks for the positive response! And I totally understand re: finding a job is important.

Given all you said, I think I'll work on this function and integrate it in the main package if/when it looks solid enough.

I'll have to think about your suggestions; they sounds reasonable, but I'm not 100% sure I'll integrate them all. In the meantime, if you load this function in your environment, all modelsummary tables will display the mean of the outcome:

glance_custom.fixest <- function(x, ...) {
    data.table::data.table(`Mean of DV` = mean(insight::get_response(x)))

Your suggestions for panel names and stars are interesting and I'll consider them seriously. The only hesitations I have are:

But again, I'll think about this a bit.

Will ping you if/when something is ready to try.

vincentarelbundock commented 1 year ago

FYI, I added a new argument: shape = "rbind". There are also a bunch of examples on the website, including a few with fixest and automatic mean of outcome:


This is not out on CRAN yet, but let me know if you have the time to try it and find some problems.