michaeltyson / TPCircularBuffer

A simple, fast circular buffer implementation
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Add support for Swift Package Manager #35

Closed mman closed 1 year ago

mman commented 2 years ago

This is a quick hack to offer TPCircularBuffer via SPM. I had to reorganize the sources to align with how the C libraries should be distributed wrt/ sources and public headers and also add a custom module map to properly export all methods offered by the library.

It works great for my purposes so that I can get rid of including TPCircularBuffer as a git submodule, but I am in no way suggesting that this is the only right official way to bring SPM support in.

I have accordingly modified the podspec, but since I never used cocoapods before I am not sure if it is even working :)

just my .2 cents, Martin

michaeltyson commented 1 year ago

Thanks Martin! I’ve just merged another pull request that adds Swift PM but doesn’t require moving the sources around

mman commented 1 year ago

Thanks @michaeltyson, the merged approach definitely looks cleaner!