michaeltyson / TPCircularBuffer

A simple, fast circular buffer implementation
847 stars 140 forks source link

New Tag for Swift Package Manager Support #37

Closed danhalliday closed 1 year ago

danhalliday commented 1 year ago

Hello, and thanks again for this code. I must have been using this for 10 years by now!

I think the repository could do with a new tag to get the SPM support working. Currently when you add 1.6.1 to a package manifest, the following warning is seen:

.package(url: "https://github.com/michaeltyson/TPCircularBuffer", from: "1.6.1") // => the package manifest at '/Package.swift' cannot be accessed (/Package.swift doesn't exist in file system)

When using branch: "master" it works. All that’s needed is a new 1.6.2 tag.

michaeltyson commented 1 year ago

My pleasure! Ah, good point - thanks, done