michaelvs97 / AspNetCore.ReCaptcha

Google ReCAPTCHA v2/v3 Library for .NET Core 3.x/5.x
MIT License
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There is no client side validation #46

Open blovia22 opened 2 years ago

blovia22 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug If I fill out all the fields of my form, except the captcha, there is no client side validation. The browser goes to the server, where I can use ModelState.IsValid to find the error. But I would like to prevent the browser going to the server.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install the product.
  2. In program.cs, add builder.Services.AddReCaptcha(builder.Configuration.GetSection("ReCaptcha"));
  3. In appsetting.json, add
    "ReCaptcha": {
    "SiteKey": "my site key",
    "SecretKey": "my secret key",
    "Version": "v2", // The ReCaptcha version to use, can be v2, v2invisible or v3
    "UseRecaptchaNet": false, // Value whether to use google recaptcha or recaptcha.net
    "ScoreThreshold": 0.5 // Only applicable for recaptcha v3, specifies the score threshold when it is considered successful
  4. In .cshtml, add @using AspNetCore.ReCaptcha and @Html.ReCaptcha() (this one inside the form)
  5. In .cshtml.cs, add [ValidateReCaptcha] just above public class contactModel : PageModel
  6. In .cshtml.cs, in the OnPost() action, add
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
    TempData["mensajeError"] = "An error ocurred, did you solve the captcha?";
    return Page();

Expected behavior It would be nice to have an option to add an asp-validation-for tag or an asp:RequiredFieldValidator tag in order to add client-side validation for the captcha.

Or is there a way with javascript to check that the captcha was solved and if it wasn't, show a red message below the captcha without having the browser go back to the server?

Desktop (please complete the following information):

parkinsona commented 9 months ago

I also have this issue in windows 10, chrome.

I would have thought it would still do client side validation?

parkinsona commented 9 months ago

I found a workaround for this, after spending more time getting my head around recaptcha3.

I added the following script to ensure if would

`$(document).ready(function () {

$("#submitButton").click(function (event) {

    if ($("#frmUserNameEntry").valid()) {
        var recaptchaWait = setInterval(() => {
            if ($("input[name='g-recaptcha-response']:first").val() == "") {
                console.log("recaptcha not ready");
            else {
                console.log("recaptcha ready to proceed.");

        }, 100);
    else {
        console.log("form errr");
