michaelwayman / node-sass-chokidar

A thin wrapper around node-sass to replicate the --watch using chokidar instead of Gaze
MIT License
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--watch not watching imported dependencies outside of root dir #51

Closed spiderworm closed 6 years ago

spiderworm commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to watch the .sass files imported from node_modules/ as well so that changes to those files will trigger a rebuild? I am guessing this would be done by having the option to disable the cache of files imported from outside the watched dir?

spiderworm commented 6 years ago

I worked around this for now by created a script that force restarts the node-sass-chokidar process every second to force it to get it to keep rebuilding the node_modules/ .scss files, but this is a silly thing to do and I don't want to do it any longer than I have to.

michaelwayman commented 6 years ago

I am not able to reproduce this. When I have something like this


  "scripts": {
    "watchcss": "node-sass-chokidar --include-path ./node_modules ./src -o ./src --watch"



@import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";

a {
    color: red;

and npm run watchcss, I get => changed: /Users/wayman/projects/test-node-chokidar/src/app.scss

and then I go to node_modules/ bootstrap/scss/ and start making changes to the scss files in there, I get => changed: /Users/wayman/projects/test-node-chokidar/src/app.scss again and the the changes I made to bootstrap were reflected in app.css

So basically I am unable to reproduce. I am closing this issue until someone else can verify this, or you can upload a project demonstrating the alleged issue.