michail-nikolaev / task-force-arma-3-radio

TeamSpeak integration for Arma 3
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Voice Volume too low #1010

Open Warri2k opened 9 years ago

Warri2k commented 9 years ago

Voice too low, even in yelling mode. Everything above ~20 meter not hearable. Even when close together it's really quiet.

kavinsky commented 9 years ago

When you starts the TS3 and connects to the server without starting the ArmA3 it sounds low too?

Voice mode (whispering, yelling..) only affects the distance others can hear you not the volume.

ACyprus commented 8 years ago

Are you running any earplug mods, eg ACE?

macchky commented 8 years ago

Direct voice too low me too! Radio Volume is fine, but direct is lower for some reason since around this year (I don't remenber correctly)

rogerxxxx commented 8 years ago

Ditto here too. Due to the extremely low volume of direct chat, I always dislike when others use direct chat as I can never hear them well enough and just resort to using the radio when they're five feet away.

Raspu86 commented 8 years ago

Are you guys using ace_hearing? Ace has the very annoying feature to reduce TFAR direct speech drastically if earplugs are in or if you wear some helmets.

rogerxxxx commented 8 years ago

Nope. Just one of those common things with direct chat within the game overall.

I'm piping the games six channel sound through Toslink (ie. S/PDIF), into my Yamaha receiver having a 5 point surround sound system. But users really do not need such a sound system to notice the overall low levels of direct chat.

I can't remember exactly, but I also think direct chat is monitored by the Effects volume control instead of the Radio volume control.

dedmen commented 7 years ago

Can i get some more info on that? Are people still having issues? We could just add a client setting which tells the Teamspeak plugin to increase the volume of direct speech.

RaynorD commented 7 years ago

Yes, this is still an issue. Ingame effects, namely aircraft, are extremely loud compared to TFR unless effects level is adjusted to 3-5%. Secondly if there's anyone in channel not in TFR, they are extremely loud compared to those who are. Combined or preferably separate settings in TS for overall direct volume gain and overall radio volume gain would be extremely helpful.

dedmen commented 7 years ago

I can't really reproduce that.. In fact I'm in a mission right now.. and it seems realistic to me. Best would be if you could make a video as example

Slugg087 commented 7 years ago

I have recorded a video where I have this problem: https://youtu.be/oKEZWMgfFDM?t=25s We use ACE among others, if you want a full list of the mods i can show you.

dedmen commented 7 years ago

@Slugg087 Video not available. If using ACE make sure its not because of earplugs

Slugg087 commented 7 years ago

@dedmen Changed it to unlisted should work now.

dedmen commented 7 years ago

Those guys in the distance at 0:45 sound a bit too loud at 2:10 yeah.. sounds a bit too silent but they are calmly talking in normal volume.. so its about right The constant white noise in the background is killing me ^^ 9:20 sounds a bit too silent... I'd really like to make the volume configurable.. But ace is using the globalVolume variable for deafness, unconciousness and earplugs.. And will constantly change it and reset it to maximum of 1 when no effects apply.. So we would probably need another global volume setting but that could also be very problematic for PvP scenarios. 1.0 will bring a new sound curve so maybe that makes things better.

Slugg087 commented 7 years ago

Yeah I think it shows better at 08:55 where we talk in game first then the server restarts and we talk in TS nomally. Then you can hear a big difference in clarity and volume. Ok should i talk to the developers of ACE and see if they can fix it?

dedmen commented 7 years ago

No.. I could fix ACE myself but.. There is more behind that value than just TFAR's volume. Well you have to keep in mind that you are standing a few meters apart. Where in normal Teamspeak the other guys are directly inside your ear. Also that guy next to you has a bandana over his mouth and you have a helmet covering your ears so.. Its quite realistic... Although volume would be the same without bandana and helmet ^^

RaynorD commented 7 years ago

Raising the curve will help, but in my opinion an overall gain adjustment, configurable or permanent, is badly needed to equalize tfr vs non-tfr clients' levels. In real life there's no one directly inside your ears that you don't intend to have there, usually with a volume knob. ;)