michail-nikolaev / task-force-arma-3-radio

TeamSpeak integration for Arma 3
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Feature Request - Radio Jamming Devices #1231

Open 0xlord opened 7 years ago

0xlord commented 7 years ago

In 1.0 we will get antenna support to enhance the range. But to have interfering signals/transmitters (jammers) which highly suppress radio coms would open up a huge variety of missions and/or tasks.

0xlord commented 7 years ago

If this will be implemented like the range enhancement then this could provide scripting support like _this.antenna_blueforce(jammer) = true > _this.antenna_blueforce(enhancer) = true to switch from jammer to enhancer state for one site to make the object switchable. Can be scripted based, but an ACE interaction would be the top of the ice cream :)

dedmen commented 7 years ago

What kind of Range are you thinking about for the Jammer? Should it jam the receivier when it is near the sender? or only when it is near the receiver?

        /    \
    /            \
/                   \
S -------- J ---------R

Let's say we have this. Sender,Jammer,Receiver and Antenna. The algorithm would see that the S->J->R route has a worse signal than S->A->R and would automatically redirect the signal over the Antenna. Should that be changed?

0xlord commented 7 years ago

That's a good question, though. I imagine that radio transmissions work like a field around the transmitter. This field is moulded by terrain, buildings, people, and so on. I would say, that a jammer is a field in which the transmission is moulded in such an high way, that there can be (depending on range) communications (but nothing more than noise like in really long distance coms with SR) or there won't be anything receivable, depending on the strenght and position of the jammer.

However, we have a transmission in every direction. If we now have a route of antennas around the transmission it would be transmitted from one antenna to the next to the next and so on, so that the radio transmission could travel around the jammer and bypass him. But the jammer would still mould the signal nevertheless, if(!) the jammer is as powerfull (or even more powerfull) than the antennas repeater.

That is my own gut feeling. But I can check with radio amateurs and ask them, how a jammer would work and mould the radio waves/the radio transmission.

0xlord commented 7 years ago

I asked for help in a German radio amateur forums. Hope we will get answers there quickly.

dedmen commented 7 years ago

Are the Antennas intelligent enough to not retransmit the Jammer's signal? If they were not that would be nuts :D So I'd probably make the Antennas Intelligent as that's also easier to code. According to the answer in that forum your signal will only get bad when the receiver is in range of the Jammer. So if we have a 10km Jammer in the middle between two players 20km apart with Let's say a 50km range Radio no one would be affected by the jammer. But if the jammer is 5km away from the receiver the receiver would only receive 50% of the transmission. This would be kinda easy to implement.

0xlord commented 7 years ago

As stated in that forum the strongest signal wins. Which means that it also can interfere the signal even though the signal got sent uninterfered. I think it would be a good system that the jammer is always stronger than SR and LR within 100 - 300m from the antenna if it is big enough (like a car, a BTR or or even an own antenna). The moulding terrain should be set like the radios with less "readability" over distance. Maybe with a point value? Something like SR 5 to 1 points (strongest to weakest), LR 10 to 2 points, the antenna 15 to 3 points and the jammer 10/15/20 to 5 points, depending on its size.

shukari commented 7 years ago

It would be nice to have a script that encode all transmissions from outside and inside in a specific area. That transmissions sounds like over very long distances or like babel from ACRE. That if somebody is inside this area he can understand transmissions form outside the area and nobody outside can understand his transmissions... Like every "movie" jammer works ^^

Snak3Doc commented 7 years ago

Someone has made a script version of this not sure how well it works or how realistic it is, but it would be awesome to see a jammer object or module for the editor/zeus that part of tfr
