michail-nikolaev / task-force-arma-3-radio

TeamSpeak integration for Arma 3
313 stars 169 forks source link

Task Force Radio Error #1278

Closed CharlesOnAir closed 6 years ago

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

Hello !

Translate by Google Translate

Hello, I have a big problem with Task Force Radio.

When, i'm in game. My Arma 3 freeze because of TeamSpeak.

When i play on a server, a lot of errors build up itself behind my back.

List of errors : ``18/06/2017 08:57:05 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:06 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:07 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:08 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:10 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:10 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:12 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:12 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:15 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:16 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:18 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:19 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:21 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:21 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:23 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:24 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:25 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID
18/06/2017 08:57:26 task_force_radio Info can't center client : invalid clientID

After 15 minutes, my Arma 3 freeze during 30 secondes - 1 minute.

It's very very annoying.

Can you help my ?

Thank's 👍

dedmen commented 7 years ago

These errors don't say anything. 0.9.x always spams that and it's meaningless. How do you know that it freezes because of Teamspeak? Can you upload your RPT. And can you please follow the issue template? What Mods are you running and what versions of them?

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

Je sais que le bug freeze TeamSpeak car quand Arma 3 freeze, je vais sur TeamSpeak et je vois "Ne répond pas".

Je joue sur le serveur français Agorapolis, j'utilise leur Mod.

Où je peut trouver le RPT ?

dedmen commented 7 years ago

No I don't understand French https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

I know the bug freeze TeamSpeak because when Arma 3 freeze, I go on TeamSpeak and I see "Do not answer".

I play on the French server Agorapolis, I use their Mod.

Where can I find the RPT?

dedmen commented 7 years ago

Already told you where to find RPT. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files I also can use Google Translate. I meant that tihs is International stuff here. And that's why you should always write english

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago


This is my last RPT File

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 57B56B9A
graphics:  D3D11, Device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
resolution:  0x0x32

Distribution: 0
Version 1.66.139792
Fault time: 2017/01/01 17:45:20
Fault address:  57B56B9A 01:00785B9A C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_3f929cc119e3b994\nvwgf2um.dll
file:     introExp
world:    Altis
Prev. code bytes: C2 14 00 CC CC CC 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 56 57 8B F9
Fault code bytes: 8B B7 E0 5E 00 00 8B 46 7C 2B 46 78 C1 F8 02 83

EAX:581F5C08 EBX:00000004
ECX:261515E8 EDX:027BC000
ESI:0311D3C0 EDI:261515E8
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\charl\AppData\Local\Arma 3\arma3_2017-01-01_14-14-49.mdmp


dedmen commented 7 years ago

I've been so generous to cut down your post so you don't spam everything. Please gist or pastebin your RPT next time. This was a crash of your graphics driver.

This is my last RPT File No it's not. 2017-01-01 We have end of June right now. Not beginning of January. Also this is not the full RPT.

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

So my graphics driver, crasher TeamSpeak?

dedmen commented 7 years ago

No. It crashed your Arma in january.

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

Ah! And how can I solve this problem

dedmen commented 7 years ago

I don't know. Send me the correct RPT.

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

It's the incorrect RPT file ?

I have a lot RPT file in my folder !

dedmen commented 7 years ago

As I said that RPT was from january. We have June. Just take the newest.

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

Ok, i take The RPT File or January or June ?

dedmen commented 7 years ago

Are you joking?

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

No ! I am not English I remind you! Then if you knew how to develop it would also help

dedmen commented 7 years ago

The newest RPT. Newest. Latest.

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

This is the latest

== C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Arma3_x64.exe
== "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Arma3_x64.exe" -noSplash -connect= -nosplash -noPause -noLogs -enableHT "-mod=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Agorapolis;;@Agorapolis"

Original output filename: Arma3Retail_DX11_x64
Exe timestamp: 2017/06/20 15:52:50
Current time:  2017/06/25 18:01:08

Type: Public
Build: Stable
Version: 1.72.142164

Allocator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Dll\tbb4malloc_bi_x64.dll [2017.0.0.0] [2017.0.0.0]
PhysMem: 7.9 GiB, VirtMem : 131072 GiB, AvailPhys : 4.9 GiB, AvailVirt : 131072 GiB, AvailPage : 9.3 GiB

18:01:08 Detected number of DLCs: 18
18:01:08 DLC index:0 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 DLC index:3 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 DLC index:8 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 DLC index:9 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 DLC index:10 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 DLC index:11 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 DLC index:14 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 DLC index:15 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 DLC index:16 - unable to get DLC data
18:01:08 ----------------------------------------- Dlcs -----------------------------------------
18:01:08                                 name      appId   owned  installed  available   isDlc
18:01:08                               Arma 3     107410     yes        yes        yes      no
18:01:08                              Unknown         -1      no         no         no     yes
18:01:08                          Arma 3 Zeus     275700     yes        yes        yes     yes
18:01:08                        Arma 3 Malden     639600     yes        yes        yes     yes
18:01:08                        Arma 3 Server     233780     yes        yes         no     yes
18:01:08                    Arma 3 Soundtrack     249860      no         no         no     yes
18:01:08                       Arma 3 Samples     390500     yes        yes         no     yes
18:01:08                          Arma 3 Apex     395180     yes        yes        yes     yes
18:01:08                          Arma 3 Maps     249861      no         no         no     yes
18:01:08                Arma 3 Tactical Guide     249862      no         no         no     yes
18:01:08                         Arma 3 Tools     233800     yes        yes         no     yes
18:01:08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dedmen commented 7 years ago

Please gist or pastebin your RPT next time.

I don't have time to repeat myself a dozen times.

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

It's the latest RPT File

dedmen commented 7 years ago

It's the first 40 lines of a several hundred line file. And again

Please use gist or pastebin.

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

Ok, and you want all the lines ?

dedmen commented 7 years ago

I want to see the log file to find the error. How would I do that if you don't send me the lines that contain the error?

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

Where, i can see the log file

dedmen commented 7 years ago

You already know where the logfile is. You already sent me the first 40 lines.

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

I choose what ?


In the file : Arma3_x64_2017-06-28_20-57-33.rpt

I have : 40 lines

dedmen commented 7 years ago

Don't start Arma with -noLogs startparameter

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago

Ok, i do that after

CharlesOnAir commented 7 years ago


Sorry, but i don't understand

CreepPork commented 6 years ago

@dedmen This is why I don't like doing support lol