michal-h21 / linebreaker

Some excersises with luatex's line breaking callback
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visual feedback about the work of this package and remaining places to look at #5

Open hpvd opened 2 years ago

hpvd commented 2 years ago

would be great to have some feedback about the work of this awesome package, and also benefit from done analyses.

One way would be to add an option (e.g. draft) to enable a coloring of the text e.g.

michal-h21 commented 2 years ago

Nice idea. It seems that it should be possible to use the Luacolor package for this task: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/539268/2891 I need to finish other tasks now, but will look at this in the near future.

michal-h21 commented 2 years ago

Another interesting article about coloring for the future reference: https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb31-3/tb99isambert.pdf. I hope it still works, as it is 12 years old.

hpvd commented 2 years ago

great to here you like it :-)

this seems to be the approach the author of lua-widow-control has just adapted to do something similar: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/372437

in https://github.com/gucci-on-fleek/lua-widow-control/commit/5a43e4ea09c012d1eaaaa87bebed12388bcb14d6

result: https://github.com/gucci-on-fleek/lua-widow-control/issues/36#issuecomment-1154821652

gucci-on-fleek commented 2 years ago

Another interesting article about coloring for the future reference: https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb31-3/tb99isambert.pdf. I hope it still works, as it is 12 years old.

Yep, the colour stuff there still works. (Well, not with LuaMetaTeX, but everything is more complicated there...)

The implementation is reasonably simple. I currently have

--- Changes the text colour in a node list if draft mode is active
--- @param head node The first node to colour
--- @param colour table<number> A 3-tuple of RGB values
--- @return node head The coloured node
local function colour_list(head, colour)
    if not lwc.draft_mode then
        return head

    -- Adapted from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/372437
    -- \\pdfextension colorstack is ignored in LMTX
    local start_colour = new_node("whatsit", "pdf_colorstack")
    start_colour.stack = 0
    start_colour.command = 1
    start_colour.data = string.format("%.2f %.2f %.2f rg", table.unpack(colour))

    local end_colour = new_node("whatsit", "pdf_colorstack")
    end_colour.stack = 0
    end_colour.command = 2

    start_colour.next = head
    last(head).next = end_colour

    return start_colour


which I use like this:

    for n in traverse_id(hlist_id, saved_node) do
        n.list = colour_list(n.list, lwc.colours.expanded)


(Feel free to copy any of this code, although it is probably buggy)

You can place the pdf_colorstack nodes around the hlist nodes (vmode-ish), but I'd prefer putting the pdf_colorstack nodes inside the hlist nodes (hmode-ish) just to make sure that the colour start and end nodes are always on the same page.