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Error in tabbing #79

Open danielezambelli opened 2 years ago

danielezambelli commented 2 years ago

I will also report this, although the problem is avoidable.


\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}% amsfonts è caricato da amssymb
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % sottolineature


``tabbing'' command does not always work correctly,
this works:

\(a\!\!:~7x -1400 = 0;\) \hspace{30mm} \=\(b\!\!:~2y -6000 = 0;\) \\ 
\(c\!\!:~5x -0,5y +2000 = 0;\)         \>\(d\!\!:~10x -0,2y +1000 = 0\)\\

that no:
\(a\!\!:~7x -1400 = 0;\)     \>\(b\!\!:~2y -6000 = 0;\) \\ 
\(c\!\!:~5x -0,5y +2000 = 0;\)     \>\(d\!\!:~10x -0,2y +1000 = 0\)\\

In compilation it produces the following message:

make4ht tabbing.tex -f html5-common_domfilters -c ml_make4ht -l -u -s -d 
./html/mathjax "mathjax"
[STATUS]  make4ht: Conversion started
[STATUS]  make4ht: Input file: tabbing.tex
[ERROR]   htlatex: Compilation errors in the htlatex run
[ERROR]   htlatex: Filename     Line    Message
[ERROR]   htlatex: ./tabbing.tex        25       Missing } inserted.
[ERROR]   htlatex: ./tabbing.tex        25       Too many }'s.
[ERROR]   htlatex: ./tabbing.tex        25       LaTeX Error: Undefined tab 
[ERROR]   htlatex: ./tabbing.tex        28       Undefined control sequence.
[ERROR]   htlatex: ./tabbing.tex        28       Undefined control sequence.
[ERROR]   htlatex: ./tabbing.tex        28       LaTeX Error: \begin{document} 
ended by \end{tabbing}.
[ERROR]   htlatex: ./tabbing.tex        28       Extra \endgroup.
