michal-h21 / vim-zettel

VimWiki addon for managing notes according to Zettelkasten method
MIT License
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I don't think the footer is working as expected #107

Open Metal-Milonga opened 3 years ago

Metal-Milonga commented 3 years ago

The %footer does not seem to behave like %title or %date in the individual zettels. When I create a new zettel from an existing one, the footer is not carried over to the new zettel at all. I don't know much about Vimscript, but looking at the vimwiki.vim that came with vim-zettel, there does not appear to be anything obviously wrong.

These are my only Vimwiki/Vim-Zettel settings in .vimrc.

" define a vimwiki in \~/Dropbox/zettlekasten directory. let zettelkasten = {} let zettelkasten.path = '\~/Dropbox/zettelkasten/' let zettelkasten.path_heml = '\~/Dropbox/zettelkasten_html/' " now put the Wikis together in the vimwiki_list let g:vimwiki_list = [{}, scratch, zettelkasten] let g:vimwiki_folding = 'expr'

" ZettelKasten settings noremap \<leader>zn :ZettelNew

Type-IIx commented 3 years ago

See :help Vim-Zettel-Templates