Closed tbsmn closed 2 years ago
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I've recently implemented this feature, the [[
mapping works in visual mode, and it will use the selected text as a title.
Thank You! That is awsome.
Sadly I can't get it to work. If I select a text in visual mode and the press [[
I jump back to the last heading. This is my Zettel related part in my vimrc
let g:zettel_format = "%y%m%d-%H%M-%title"
let g:zettel_default_mappings = 0
augroup filetype_vimwiki
autocmd FileType vimwiki imap <silent> [[ ? <esc><Plug>ZettelSearchMap
autocmd FileType vimwiki nnoremap zn :ZettelNew<space>
autocmd FileType vimwiki nnoremap zb :ZettelBackLinks<CR>
autocmd FileType vimwiki nnoremap zf :NV! \(<C-R>=expand("%:t:r")<CR><CR>
autocmd FileType vimwiki nmap T <Plug>ZettelYankNameMap
autocmd FileType vimwiki xmap z <Plug>ZettelNewSelectedMap
autocmd FileType vimwiki nmap gZ <Plug>ZettelReplaceFileWithLink
augroup END
nnoremap <leader>zn :ZettelNew<SPACE> "create new Zettel
nnoremap <leader>zb :ZettelBackLinks<CR> "create ZettelBacklinkgs
nnoremap <leader>zo :ZettelOpen<CR> "open Zettel
nnoremap <leader>zf :NV! \(<C-R>=expand("%:t:r")<CR><CR> "search Backlinks
Any Idea what I am doing wrong?
You don't have the visual mode mapping in your configuration. Try to add this to the augroup:
autocmd FileType vimwiki xmap [[ <Plug>ZettelTitleSelectedMap
Note that other users reported problems with [[
in visual mode, so maybe try other key sequence.
Thank you very much! Got it working but I had to change the mapping with [[ it won't work.
I've changed the default mapping to g[
, as you are the second user for whom it didn't work.
I've changed the default mapping to
, as you are the second user for whom it didn't work.
Could you put this in the doc? I was searching for this in the doc and didn't see it and just found this issue! Thanks!
Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to achieve the following. I would like to visualy select a word (or multiple words) in as visual selection and than triggering
resulting in Link to the Zettel I searched for but with the selected Text as lable (Markdownstyle links).Example In the sencence "His mother called him Albert" I want to select "Albert" , trigger the command, searach my wiki/zettelkasten for to entry with the Title "Alber Einstein" and create a link. Normaly the lable of the link would be "Albert Einstein"
[Albert Einstein](
but I want it to be selected text, in this case "Albert"[Albert](
.Is there a way to achieve this? I tried this mapping
But this enters the Keysequence
as searchstring in the ZettelSearchAny Idea how I could achieve this?