michal-h21 / vim-zettel

VimWiki addon for managing notes according to Zettelkasten method
MIT License
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Order of additonal options in the frontmatter of new notes cannot be changed #62

Open khanmurad opened 4 years ago

khanmurad commented 4 years ago

I would like to insert the preamble some additional options such as default bibtex file etc. My .vimrc setting is the following:

let g:zettel_options = [{"front_matter" : { "tags" : "", "csl": "'/references/apa-tr.csl'", "bibliography": "'/references/zettel.bib'" }, "template" :  "~/.vim/templates/zettel.tpl"}]

It does not matter in what order I put it, the preamble comes out the same:

title: Title
date: 2020-08-29 20:25
csl: '/references/apa-tr.csl'
bibliography: '/references/zettel.bib'

Whereas, I want the tags: at the end:

title: Title
date: 2020-08-29 20:25
csl: '/references/apa-tr.csl'
bibliography: '/references/zettel.bib'

I tried the following with no success:

let g:zettel_options = [{"front_matter" : { "csl": "'/references/apa-tr.csl'", "bibliography": "'/references/zettel.bib'", "tags" : "" }, "template" :  "~/.vim/templates/zettel.tpl"}]

It seems that it sorts additional options by the number of characters in option names (may be not). How can I force it to put tags: at the end of the preamble?

michal-h21 commented 4 years ago

@khanmurad the problem is that front_matter is a dictionary, which doesn't have order in Vim, so you will always get the random sorting. I think I can change the code to accept a list instead of dictionary. It will enable the correct ordering, but the downside is that the specification will be more cumbersome (something like "front_matter" : [ ["csl", "...."], ["bibliography", "..."], ["tags", "....]]`).

michal-h21 commented 4 years ago

It is now possible to use lists, like:

let g:zettel_options = [{"front_matter" : [[ "tags" , ""],[ "csl", "'/references/apa-tr.csl'"],  ["bibliography", "'/references/zettel.bib'"]] }, "template" :  "~/.vim/templates/zettel.tpl"}]

It is not as nice as a dictionary, but it is the only way to support the ordering.