michal-h21 / vim-zettel

VimWiki addon for managing notes according to Zettelkasten method
MIT License
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Consistent relative linking #72

Open phlind opened 3 years ago

phlind commented 3 years ago

What I would like to achieve is a linking behaviour relative to the current file:

That means, if I am in subdirectory/note1.md of my wiki, type [[ to invoke the fuzzy search and

Also, when I am in note2.md in the root directory and

That would be consistent with the behaviour of invoking the autocomplete from vimwiki with Ctrl-x Ctrl-o. But of course, here I have to start typing ../no or /no first, depending on where I am in my wiki, and I have to know the beginning of the filename, because it's not a fuzzy search.

Additionally, this is basically the behaviour of Obsidian when choosing the option to create new links relative to the current file. I would like to achieve consistency also with that to be able to edit my notes from Obisdian and from vim, while keeping the ability to follow links from within both programms.

linusboyle commented 3 years ago

+1. This feature is essential. For now when I use the built-in diary system of vimwiki and want to link to my zettels in a diary, the path is not handled correctly. @michal-h21

rfhlmn commented 9 months ago

I'm also interested in this feature, I have the same issue.

@michal-h21 , I'd like to try creating a PR for it. As far as I understand the code, the call stack goes like this:

  1. [[ gets mapped to ZettelSearch
  2. ZettelSearch calls zettel#fzf#sink_onefile
  3. which calls zettel#fzf#wiki_search to figure out where to search, and then also how to format the resultant link
  4. zettel#fzf#wiki_search calls zettel#vimwiki#format_search_link to actually do the formatting

So should zettel#vimwiki#format_search_link do the figuring out of what the relative path between "where we are" and "what we want to link to" should be?

michal-h21 commented 9 months ago

@rfhlmn I think it should work after the latest update if I understand it correctly. When I have a document in wikiroot/sub/test.md, the ZettelOpen should search in its contents, and it will create a correct link [test title](sub/test).

rfhlmn commented 9 months ago

@michal-h21 , that part works great, it's the other way around that doesn't:

If I'm in diary/2023-11-29.md and try to link to foo.md in the root of my Zettelkasten, the link that gets created doesn't include the ../ that it would require to work correctly. I land in diary/foo.md if I follow the link.

michal-h21 commented 9 months ago

@rfhlmn ah, OK, now I understand. If you want to try it, I will gladly accept the PR.

rfhlmn commented 9 months ago

@michal-h21 , cool!

Is my understanding in the comment above correct? Is zettel#vimwiki#format_seach_link the correct place to do that?

michal-h21 commented 9 months ago

@rfhlmnmaybe. you get the relative path to the wiki root in the formatting function, so you would need to test if the current file is in a subdirectory of the wiki root and add necessary ../, maybe even multiple of them.

rfhlmn commented 9 months ago

@michal-h21 , yeah, the logic of it I'll still have to figure out, to make it robust. But it's the right place to start, I take it, so I'll start on that.