michal-h21 / vim-zettel

VimWiki addon for managing notes according to Zettelkasten method
MIT License
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Feature Request: Create new note in ZettelSearch #89

Open justinmoon opened 3 years ago

justinmoon commented 3 years ago

Great work on improving this package. It's much better than when I last tried it last year.

Let's say I want to insert a new link. I type [[ to open ZettelSearch. If the note I want to link to already exists, I'm able to find and select it. But it would be nice if there was a way within this view to create a new note. What I currently have to do is (1) exit that view then (2) ZettelNew then (3) delete the [[ and (4) re-enter ZettelSearch.

This is workable, but it seems like we could have one view to accommodate both "find a note" and "create a note" usecases.

Jumanjii commented 3 years ago

I have to admit, that would be a killing feature 😁

tbsmn commented 2 years ago


michal-h21 commented 2 years ago

It is a good idea, but I am afraid that this is not possible. FZF doesn't execute the function that handles ZetterSeach when no item is selected, so we cannot get the search string.

folofjc commented 2 years ago

Even if we cannot get the search string, the ability to simply cancel out and enter the string that you want to be the title and then sending that to ZettelNew (similar to what is suggested in #126) would be great! Right now you have to exit search, then remove the [[, then type what you want, then visually select it and then z.