michalchudziak / react-native-geolocation

Geolocation APIs for React Native
MIT License
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Ios Unable to fetch location within 10.0s Problems help me #116

Open mertbuldur opened 4 years ago

mertbuldur commented 4 years ago

hello, i'm trying to get location instantly for an app but it doesn't work very efficiently. Sometimes the location is being taken, sometimes it is not. What could the problem be? {code: 3, message: "Unable to fetch location within 10.0s.", PERMISSION_DENIED: 1, POSITION_UNAVAILABLE: 2, TIMEOUT: 3}

aaculp commented 4 years ago

I am also having this problem....can get location on Android no problem. Will not get location on iOS..

async componentDidMount() { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { this.getUserPosition(); } else { try { const granted = await PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, { title: 'Device current location permission', message: 'Allow app to get your current location', buttonNeutral: 'Ask Me Later', buttonNegative: 'Cancel', buttonPositive: 'OK', }, ); if (granted === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED) { this.getUserPosition(); } else { console.log('Location permission denied'); } } catch (err) { console.warn(err); } } }

getUserPosition = () => { Geolocation.getCurrentPosition( (position) => { this.setState({ currentLat: position.coords.latitude, currentLong: position.coords.longitude, }); }, (error) => Alert.alert('Error', JSON.stringify(error)), {enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 1000, maximumAge: 1000}, ); this.watchID = Geolocation.watchPosition((position) => { this.setState({ currentLat: position.coords.latitude, currentLong: position.coords.longitude, }); }); };

"react": "16.13.1", "react-native": "0.63.2", "@react-native-community/geolocation": "^2.0.2",

<string>Please Allow Location Services</string>
aaculp commented 4 years ago

So I fixed it by going into the simulator settings... Privacy => Location => {Your App} => Always Allow