michalhabera / dolfiny

Dolfin-y, high level wrappers for dolfin-x, the FEniCS library
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Elastoplastic realization question #13

Closed RokyC closed 8 months ago

RokyC commented 11 months ago

Hello, I'm very excited that libraries like dolfiny make it easier to implement universal material constitutive under fenicsx. I was wondering if you could share a tutorial on viscoplastic constitutive variational theory? Because while I learned in the demo program, the dλ = ufl.max_value(f, 0) and the reinforcement criteria represented by bh, qh, bb and qb on solid_plasticity_monolithic.py are somewhat unclear.Thanks very much!

Malkut79 commented 8 months ago

It would be good just to add any reference book or paper.

anzil commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your feedback. I have added some references and further comments directly in the demo code, that could be helpful.