michalklempa / docker-nifi-registry

Unofficial Docker Image For NiFi Registry
Apache License 2.0
26 stars 13 forks source link

Unable to chmod temp file #16

Closed wilddeuces closed 5 years ago

wilddeuces commented 5 years ago


currently I am trying to deploy NiFi-Registry in OpenShift 4.1 with this Template. Sadly I am getting this error when starting the container: unable to chmod temp file: chmod /opt/nifi-registry/nifi-registry-0.5.0/conf/nifi-registry.properties: operation not permitted

In forehand I already had to edit the Dockerfile and add RUN chmod -R 777 ${PROJECT_BASE_DIR} to have the right permission to execute the start.sh script.

Do you have any Clue?

Thanks in advance, Andreas

wilddeuces commented 5 years ago

Had to edit Dockerfile, start.sh and providers.xml to match OpenShift conditions.

michalklempa commented 5 years ago

Is it that normal docker image runs under user nifi and not root? I have added also -root variants of image which omit the instructions to drop user privileges at the end of Dockerfile.

You can derive your image from michalklempa/nifi-registry:0.5.0-01-root and then add user nifi if you need one (with your UID:GID):

FROM michalklempa/nifi-registry:0.5.0-01-root
ARG UID=10007
ARG GID=10007

RUN addgroup -g ${GID} nifi \
    && adduser -s /bin/bash -u ${UID} -G nifi -D nifi \
    && chown -R nifi:nifi ${PROJECT_BASE_DIR}
USER nifi