michalklempa / docker-nifi-registry

Unofficial Docker Image For NiFi Registry
Apache License 2.0
25 stars 13 forks source link

How to pull the github repository automatically? #24

Open joselmh opened 3 years ago

joselmh commented 3 years ago

I have two different instances of Nifi Registry running. One in a dev environment and the other one in a prod environment. Both pointing to the same github repository and running on a Azure Kubernetes cluster. When I commit my changes in a process group from dev env, a new version is created. The change is pushed and I can see it in the github repo. But the pro instance is never aware of that change, so I'm no able to upgrade that process group with the new version. Even by running a git pull in the prod container shell. When I do that I see the log of the pull, the change is there, but Nifi doesn't notice it. Only when I restart the prod instance of Nifi Registry I am able to see that there is another available version of that process group and upgrade it. Is there any way to automatize it so, both registry instances are always synchronized?

The version of the docker image I'm using is nifi-registry:0.8.0-default

thank you very much in advance