michalkvasnicak / babel-plugin-css-modules-transform

Extract css class names from required css module files, so we can render it on server.
MIT License
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Rebuild extracted CSS file on original css file change (using parceljs instead of webpack) #105

Open adrianani opened 5 years ago

adrianani commented 5 years ago

Repo for reproduction

When I start parcel for the first time using npm run start everything works, css classes are rewritten, the all.css file is being built. The problem is that all.css doesn't rebuild when there are changes to style.css, but I've observed that all.css is rebuilt if a react file (like init.js or SideMenu.jsx) is modified.

I've also tried to link the style.css file insinde index.html's head, it triggers the Parcel rebuild but all.css is not being rebuilt

PS. all css files are found inside /resources/css