michallepicki / asdf-erlang-prebuilt-ubuntu-22.04

Erlang plugin for asdf version manager, using Erlang builds by hexpm/bob, for amd64 ubuntu from 22.04 to 23.10
MIT License
5 stars 1 forks source link

I extended your work to make a more generic version... #2

Open cranksecurity opened 3 months ago

cranksecurity commented 3 months ago

I saw your post in https://elixirforum.com/t/asdf-erlang-plugins-with-precompiled-erlang-for-ubuntu/40124 and realized that it could be adapted to support ARM builds which beam still doesn't support. https://github.com/erlef/setup-beam/issues/179

I am happy to transfer https://github.com/cranksecurity/asdf-erlang-prebuilt-ubuntu to you if you would like to take it as its pretty much entirely based on your examples. I am not an active member of the ASDF, erlang or elixir community so have no plans to publicizes my extension of your work.

The biggest downside with what I did is that it won't handle non LTS releases - e.g. 23.04, etc - but at least you can specify your own version via an env flag.

michallepicki commented 3 months ago

Hey, very cool, thank you for sharing! I do not necessarily need it myself but can take in the repo to my account if you prefer that. I know people were sharing a link to my github repositories filtered with a "asdf-erlang-prebuilt" search.