michalsnik / aos

Animate on scroll library
MIT License
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AOS doesn't keep elements off screen when using slide #231

Closed bhartvigsen closed 6 years ago

bhartvigsen commented 7 years ago

The lib works great but it doesn't keep elements off the screen, they're just half way out of the viewport and they just zoom into place from there. Is this intended behavior? Is there a way to make it totally hide elements until they're ready to slide in from the side?

am-status commented 7 years ago

I would also like to know if this functionality is possible as having the element appear out of layout context is very undesirable. Thanks

HuwJanus commented 7 years ago

I agree - this seems to be the only effect that fails like this - All elements that slide in are clearly visible before they start to slide.

Hendrikv1990 commented 7 years ago

I agree too.. Noticed the problem on several occasions and it's really strange for users.

For now I just switched the animations to more simple ones..

mathiasmadsen commented 7 years ago

I have solved this with a slightly hacky solution for now :)

[data-aos="slide-left"] {
    margin-right: -30%;
    &.aos-animate {
        margin-right: 0%;
.main { //Hide overflow for main content
    overflow: hidden;
michalsnik commented 6 years ago

Yeah it should be possible. I guess you're not using fade animations then. You can either add custom animations according to readme, or create PR with updated slide animations here :)

michalsnik commented 6 years ago

You can also override default animation:

[data-aos="slide-left"] {
  visibility: hidden;
  &.aos-animate {
    visibility: visible;

That should do the job. Default ones don't hide them indeed. It'll be fixed in 3.0, this change is already on next branch :)