michalsnik / aos

Animate on scroll library
MIT License
26.51k stars 2.57k forks source link

Using AOS in Astro #815

Open ariley opened 1 year ago

ariley commented 1 year ago

Hi @michalsnik,

First, I got this working on a react-based site.

Now I'm building a new one with Astro. I have used npm to install AOS. I added the import command, and the init to the 'index.astro' page but it doesn't seem to want to do anything. Here's the site, if poking around helps: https://cheapfm.com/

Thank you!

burasuk commented 1 year ago

Try to add like this:

  1. Create file in src/js/main.js

    import AOS from 'aos';
    import 'aos/dist/aos.css'
  2. In src/layouts/Layout.astro

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pl">
    <slot />

    <script src="../js/main"></script> <- add this

Have fun.

andre-rd-rodrigues commented 1 year ago

In my case the animation works but only gets triggered once, and not when on view after scrolling. Any thoughts?

HighError commented 11 months ago

I have animation only after the first opening, then the elements appear without animation. After clearing the cache, the animations reappear until the page changes

HighError commented 11 months ago


Willywes commented 11 months ago

in your principal layout in your head add

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/aos@next/dist/aos.css" />

and before your closing body tag

<script is:inline src="https://unpkg.com/aos@next/dist/aos.js"></script>
<script is:inline>
guttenbergovitz commented 11 months ago

@Willywes works like a charm. Thank you.

aam-himel commented 7 months ago

@Willywes thanks a lot! ❤